Loads of odd stuff like Rubix cubes + chocolates etc, an electric guitar, amp and a stand, and this.
I'm a 16 year old from the UK, who has a tendency to make electronic music.
Age 29, Male
My bedroom! :D
Joined on 7/21/08
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - December 26th, 2011
Loads of odd stuff like Rubix cubes + chocolates etc, an electric guitar, amp and a stand, and this.
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - December 21st, 2011
Seriously, what happened?
The best analagy I can come up with is by comparing the game with its soundtrack. You could arguably say that Minecrafts OST is filled with empty sounding songs- but because theres so little to focus on, you focus on only whats there, rather than every little detail. Yes, adding deep, agressive sounding basses and rapidly played arpeggiated melodies to C418s work could sound cool, but to me, it'd just be a distraction from what was originally there.
That bieng said, it feels like the gameplay has had exactly the same thing happen to it.
Minecraft was original a little sandbox game with some nice little survival elements in it. It still has those elements in it today, which is good, and more choices than ever before, which is good for those who were getting bored of the game.
But to me, it feels like theres too much added. Enchantments? No thanks, seems a bit to complex for a simple game like Minecraft. Another realm? Perhaps a good idea, but the only point in visiting it is to end the game by killing Minecrafts final- and only- boss creature. Nether dungeons and strongholds seem like a good concept, but restrictions like the hunger bar seem to be a bit of an annoyance and I wish there was a way you could disable it, to be honest.
Graphically, the game is better than ever. Animations on the enderdragon look brilliant, the new lighting system looks really cool- especially the yellow lighting of the torches and glare on the sunrise/sunset. New terrain generation looks excellent, and the FOV system is really cool; especially across dual monitors. It's just a shame we couldn't have those little visual improvements without the gameplay expansions, that feel like too much to deal with IMO.
Just a little rant, my apologies if I offended any fellow Minecraft fans.
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - December 20th, 2011
Skyrim? Nah, looks boring to me. Sorry, but it looks incredibly monotonous, despite its good graphics and the whole concept of killing dragons (cause, y'know, thats cool, right?) Kinda feels a bit to monotone to spend £40 on it though. Its not a massive amount of cash, but I could use it for other stuff.
Saints row 3? Perhaps. Might get boring after a while though, I guess I'll find out at Christmas.
Modern Warefare 3? Heck no, CodMod2 was friggin appauling if you ask me; flawed, dodgy gameplay, awful community, and uninteresting spec ops missions convinced me to sell it. ModWar3 looks even worse IMO.
Minecraft? Got it at beta 1.3, but to me it lost its appeal after 1.8. I much prefered it as a simple game; everything about minecraft seemed simple, which I loved. Basic soundtrack with a really nice feel to it, but the updates are like adding a shitload of sounds to C418s work. It'd sound fine, but lose its feel IMO.
Portal 2? Good game, but no real replay value. Co-op was only fun with friends, and more often than not they were on other games, which sucked. Excellent storyline though, shame about the lack of replay feel to it.
DiRT 3? Good game for the first few times, very monotone though. Wore out really quick.
Duke Nukem Forever? A fail, only funny the first couple of times, lost its appeal very quickly. Far too many developers and over-hyped for its 13 year development time.
Dead Island? A wannabe left 4 dead with free-roaming and a couple of RPG elements thrown in. Again, really monotone and seems somewhat boring. Shame really, I was looking forward to it after the trailers, but the gameplay itself is shit IMO.
I honestly can't say that their has been any really good games come out this year if I'm honest. Unless anyone happens to make any suggestions; because I can't find a game that impressed me if I'm honest.
Shame that Gears of War 3 and Halo anniversary were only 360 releases. I'd've liked to have seen those on PC, as they seemed somewhat enjoyable.
(Expects a shitstorm because of not liking Skyrim much. Perhaps its cause I never played oblivion that I didn't really look forward to it as much as everyone else)
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - December 17th, 2011
I asked before, but with no response, so I suppose I'll ask again.
Every time I go on YouTube, DeviantArt, or even sometimes this place, theres always something, somewhere, related to My Little Pony. Now I'm not here to degrade an already largely disliked group of individuals, I'm not here to insult every single brony or watcher of the show, I'm just wondering why exactly its so popular? I've seen everything from clips, to YTP/YTPMV, to fan art, and even an episode of the show itself, and I'm thinking that if I were to like it, I should have really felt like I was enjoying it by now.
I'd say that I was out of the demographic for the show (which I'd expect to be mostly girls under the age of 10), but seeing as so many other people my age + gender like it, there's clearly something up.
So why exactly do you guys watch the show? I'm legitimately confused.
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - December 16th, 2011
*Implying that dating sites were for normal people*
Online dating sucks worse than Facebook does :D
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - October 5th, 2011
Now before every bronie that reads this gets massively offended, I'm not really out here to murder an already disliked stereotype. But can someone of my age and gender (16 and male) please tell me exactly why people of my age like something that is aimed... probably... at 5 year old girls. Thats when my sister liked MLP anyway.
If anyone can give a serious reason as to WHY this program is liked, I'd be pretty grateful, because I've watched it and I honestly just don't get it.
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - September 28th, 2011
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /448053
Fancied giving out something for you guys to use. let me know if you get anything :D
(Singing isn't that great, but I felt it was good enough for an upload on here)
Also, got that new computer. Expect more from me soon :)
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - July 8th, 2011
Probably a gaming one, seeing as this one can't run Left 4 dead or Left 4 dead 2 on low. Any reccomendations?
(And no, I'm not building one. I don't really see a massive point in it. Don't give me the pros and cons, I already know about it)
Posted by STEPHEN4705 - July 6th, 2011
Cause I recently set up my server, built a load of retarded objects with my friends, and now I wanna blow it up for a bit and hopefully put the video on YouTube; I kinda broke my screen capture software though :P
Anyways, PM me and I'll give you the instructions on how to join it. And for those of you wondering (which probably isn't many) this is one of the many buildings in my server (this ones the biggest though, cause I'm quite crap at building as I'm always distracting myself by turning off the save and blowing stuff up):