Seriously, what happened?
The best analagy I can come up with is by comparing the game with its soundtrack. You could arguably say that Minecrafts OST is filled with empty sounding songs- but because theres so little to focus on, you focus on only whats there, rather than every little detail. Yes, adding deep, agressive sounding basses and rapidly played arpeggiated melodies to C418s work could sound cool, but to me, it'd just be a distraction from what was originally there.
That bieng said, it feels like the gameplay has had exactly the same thing happen to it.
Minecraft was original a little sandbox game with some nice little survival elements in it. It still has those elements in it today, which is good, and more choices than ever before, which is good for those who were getting bored of the game.
But to me, it feels like theres too much added. Enchantments? No thanks, seems a bit to complex for a simple game like Minecraft. Another realm? Perhaps a good idea, but the only point in visiting it is to end the game by killing Minecrafts final- and only- boss creature. Nether dungeons and strongholds seem like a good concept, but restrictions like the hunger bar seem to be a bit of an annoyance and I wish there was a way you could disable it, to be honest.
Graphically, the game is better than ever. Animations on the enderdragon look brilliant, the new lighting system looks really cool- especially the yellow lighting of the torches and glare on the sunrise/sunset. New terrain generation looks excellent, and the FOV system is really cool; especially across dual monitors. It's just a shame we couldn't have those little visual improvements without the gameplay expansions, that feel like too much to deal with IMO.
Just a little rant, my apologies if I offended any fellow Minecraft fans.
when you play first time,it gets more interesting,but when you play 2--3 days,it gets booring!cheers
I've played it for months and been happy with it. Its these new updates that I find annoying :P