So it would seem the last time I made a post regarding Skyrim, I don't feel I had truly immersed myself in the game. I claimed that the game was too monotone, and the combat got boring quickly, but I now feel that it was more of my mistake than Bethesdas designing abilities.
Since the last review I deleted the game (and all my saves) then re-installed it afterwards, to see if I could actually got into it anymore, and lo and behold I have. Last time, I played through using primarily heavy weapons/two handed weapons, heavy armour and generally played it like I play most MMOs (Mostly Melee combat). I feel that it's actually somewhat more immersive than I initially thought it was, and perhaps if others read this they might find that playing an alternative style to what they normally do can really help.
So, instead of going for a tank-like character capable of destroying things in one blow, I decided to go for a more stealthy character that relies more on single handed weaponry, light armour and general thief style gameplay, and I found it to actually suit the game a lot more than my techniques. Now I could criticise Bethesda for not fully designing their game for a wide range of people, but quite frankly thats like critizing Call of Duty for not including enough references to Star Trek(Although I do dislike the CoD franchise, the absence of Star Trek references is not one of the reasons why).
So here we go. Skyrim is a pretty good game, the dialogue and voice acting is brilliant (for the main characters, anyway. The annoying repeated bandit/guard lines are more than a little tedious), the gameplay is superb (once you figure out how to get the most enjoyment from it), the level design is amazing, the effort put into that alone is phenominal (as previously mentioned), the graphics aren't all that bad. Where I now feel it fails is in some horrible glitches, such as dragons flying backwards, terrain generation errors (although these are usually quite subtle) invincible/unkillable enemies (even though I seem to be the only one experiencing that), and some inconsistency problems. For example, your a dragonborn, someone capable of bringing down massively armoured beasts capable of breathing fire and turning you into ashes in an instant, but then you die from a couple of swipes of a troll? Seems a bit unbalanced to me, seeing how the dragons are supposedly the harbringers of the end times in the game, but now I'm really just nitpicking at little irritating things. The main reason I disliked it has been fixed due to my own initiative.
So yeah. Change of heart as a result of change of gameplay. To medieval Sweden/Norway/Whereverthecrap! :D
hello cracky
How be you on this fine day good fellow?