Disclaimer: This is a personal opinion. Feel free to disagree with it. I'm not here to change your mind about Skyrim, just felt like broadcasting my opinion, because quite frankly I've got nothing better to do at the moment, and cause I enjoy these little news posts.
I've been playing it a lot, no doubt of that. If a game doesn't interest you after 21 hours of gameplay, its likely not gonna be able to immerse the player, which is such a shame, as I feel that I could've really enjoyed Skyrim.
Dragons? Good! Melee, ranged, and magic combat? Generic, but no-one really cares. It works (for the most part). Massive empty world? Really well executed, the game looks brilliant, despite a lot of people I know who enjoy the game much more than I do saying that it looks somewhat cheap. Now I'm playing the PC version, which is open to mods, better graphics (or so they claim), and as a PC gamer I find Skyrims interface to be useful.
It has all the making of a great game, and so it's kinda bizzare that I don't know why I dislike it. Theres as much freedom as you could ever ask for in a game, opportunity involving combat at every three seconds, or finding an individual etc. The choices you can take are huge as well, allowing you to train in so many different ways, so bethesda really cater to your gameplay style.
So why don't I like it? It feels like such a struggle just to go onto Steam and click on it? I've only had it for a week, yet already it feels monotone and worn out. I've had albums that I've listened to forwards and backwards that have held my attention for longer than 21 hours.
What I feel I dislike about Skyrim is perhaps just how predictable it can get, and its arguably one of the few things I feel are bad about the Final Fantasy series (other than voice acting), like the fact that you can tell whats about to fight you. Another thing I dislike is perhaps the combat style, it just feels like mashing the mouse button until you run out of stamina, or casting until your out of majika for the most part. Not sure how I'd improve it, but it sure feels monotone as heck for the most part.
Now I will say that the PC version is buggy as heck, as MotDef shows the initial release. Even now, 2 months after its initial release, I've found many bugs. Dragons won't take damage but can quite happily beat the crap out of me on occasions, minimising the game window causes crashes, sometimes the framerate drops to a crawl during the more strength-based attacks (IE running with a sword), and I know its not my PC, my PC has more than enough power to run the game. It can run every game on high, except Skyrim. Either an i7 quad core processor is no longer powerful enough, and a 1gb graphics card is out of date, or Bethesda haven't really done a good job with this. I AM going to blame them for these problems, as Valve don't have them, Square Enix doesn't have them, and neither do any of the games I own. Thats a lot of companies, and Bethesda's game is the only one that doesn't function? I highly doubt its my problem.
Overall, I just find it really quite monotonous, boring, and it feels like such a waste of £34.99. I can tell the effort thats gone in just from the level design alone, but I feel, even so, that its so flawed. Perhaps I'm just odd and that its just me that dislikes it, but meh.
Wow, a very nice level headed opinion with some points that can be respected. I would really like it if you were to post this in the Video Game Forum, but then again that place is just a cesspool of stupid shit that there really is no purpose to it. Kudos to you sir.
Thanks, glad to see that after I've posted this that my page hasn't been flooded with angry comments :)