And its not a big one, but its defiantly always been there.
What I seem to see is that its always the same genres that seem to get the higher ratings on this site, primarily techno stuff that goes unce unce unce at 180bpm or so, where as other genres (Like ambient and classical, for example) seem to get constantly rated down. I don't know any famous ambient artists on this site, although thats probably because I'm not really looking that hard, but the only two classical composers I've heard on this site are maestrorage and markyspark: who are both awesome, but even then they don't get anywhere near as much attention as some of the other artists on this site. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on those who are more popular: people like Envy, Tmm43, ParagonX9, b0unc3 and so many others are all really awesome: musically and personality wise, but it does seem to be the faster paced electronic stuff that is really the most popular on this site.
What I'm really wondering is why people rate down songs which are a different genre. If you don't like it, don't listen to it, or at least give the decency to explain why it sucks. I find it really strange that some of the stuff I posted last year is way more popular than the stuff I posted this year: and I know I'm not getting worse because I'm still learning how to do stuff, so I know I'm not taking backwards steps, and I know its probably the same for other people who don't make regular dance or DNB tracks.
Anyways, presuming you got this far, thanks for clicking :P
They don't rate down songs of certain genres. They rate down everything. And when you make newsposts whining about your music being voted down, they'll only do it more.
I'm not on about me specifically though, and I don't really care too much if people do. I'm just wondering why: judging from your comment its posts like mine, so now I feel stupid xD